#kai avaroe
feesperanza2016 · 10 months
¡No puedes Dar más de lo que Dios Da!
“Con generosidad le darás, y no te dolerá el corazón cuando le des, ya que el Señor tu Dios te bendecirá por esto en todo tu trabajo y en todo lo que emprendas”. Deuteronomio 15:10 (LBLA)
Dios quiere bendecir tu vida. Él ha creado el universo para que vivas la vida plena que Él quiere y seas bendecido cuando sigues sus mandamientos.
La Biblia dice una y otra vez: Dios bendice a los que son generosos.
Mira este versículo: “Con generosidad le darás, y no te dolerá el corazón cuando le des, ya que el Señor tu Dios te bendecirá por esto en todo tu trabajo y en todo lo que emprendas” Deuteronomio 15:10 (LBLA).
¿Quieres que Dios bendiga tu trabajo? ¿Quieres que Él bendiga todo lo que emprendas? ¡Por supuesto que sí! Entonces no seas avaro. No seas egoísta. Se generoso —con tu tiempo, tus elogios, tu dinero y tu energía. Se generoso en cada área de tu vida.
Considera esto: Puedes creer en las promesas de Dios o pensar que Él está mintiendo. Realmente no hay otra alternativa. Encontrarás más promesas en la Biblia acerca de la generosidad que de cualquier otra cosa. ¿Por qué? Porque es un principio que Dios quiere que aprendamos.
He descubierto esto, una y otra vez en mi vida. Kay y yo hemos estado sembrando más cada año desde que nos casamos. No le dije a nadie por casi 30 años. Al principio hubo algunos años apretados. A veces podíamos aumentar nuestro diezmo sólo 0.25%. Incluso en tiempos difíciles, hemos querido ser más generoso que el año anterior. Queríamos romper el control del materialismo en nuestras vidas y ser más como Jesús en el proceso. ¡Y Dios nos bendijo más y más!
No podemos dar más que Dios. Él sólo sigue bendiciéndonos y bendiciéndonos. Es un increíble sentido de la alegría de ver a Dios dándote más cada vez. ¡Yo quiero que tengas esa misma alegría!
Bendice a otras personas, y Dios te bendecirá más de lo que puedes imaginar.
Reflexiona sobre esto:
¿Cómo has visto a Dios bendecirte cuando has decidido ser generoso?
¿Das con alegría? Si no, ¿qué te impide encontrar esa alegría?
¿Qué tipo de compromiso puedes hacer para dar y estirar tu fe y mantenerte así?
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Update: Greg also thinks that kai did nothing predatory because he was the one ‘receiving’ sexual acts from Sarah. This man is truly deranged.
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greg/kai: i, a 32 year old man, and my 24 year old husband, have fallen victim to an 19 year old we’ve been grooming since she was 14! she raped my husband and broke the NDA, therefore she’s a dirty liar!
also greg/kai: *gets exposed by sarah with receipts*
also greg/kai: *gets exposed by ayalla with receipts*
also greg/kai: *gets exposed by billie with receipts*
also greg/kai: *gets exposed by shiloh with receipts*
also greg/kai: *gets expo-
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i suffered through laineybot’s “how to transition (ftm)”
OK GUYS I DON’T EVEN HAVE A BLOG BUT I JUST STUMBLED ACROSS KAI’S NEW VID AND OH BOY for context i’m also a trans man and i had the news like. yesterday. that i'm gonna start T before february 2020. SO Y E H
WATCH ME SUFFER THROUGH LAINEYBOT'S "how to start transitioning (ftm)" VIDEO
"As many of you know, I'm transgender, what's up" yeh bot we know you've been milking the subject for years oh my god they have a sponsor. they get money. i am dying i'm putting it on 1.25 speed. lainey shows the boxers their sponsor sent- oh god i was about to say thankfully they don't show themselves wearing them but oh boy i was wrong. please wear pants- and that’s me saying this, my nickname is practically “crow please put on some pants” ........ don't tuck your shirt in your boxer. three minutes in the video and you're still talking about boxers. stop plz "my promo code, which is kai- K A I" you sound so.......... awkward saying that. "My gender journey has been very weird" no shit sherlock "We came to the conclusion I'm trans" i absolutely 'adore' that "we". greg was like oh yes if i have a trans spouse i can show how good of an ally i am!! go on my wife- i mean husband!! (: i can be gay and still love pussy awesome!! "I wanted my hair short ever since I was a kid, I wanted a boy's haircut" bUt hAiRsTyLe An cLOtHes HaVe NO GeNdEr!!!!1!!!! "Boxers literally changed my life." i wish boxers would tell you to leave greg. they're talking about boxers. i have to agree on that part boxers are good. talking about how to buy boxers and it's awkward because people might think it's strange. tips from me: either you don't give a single shit (honestly? people don't really care. they won't remember. maybe they'll think oh that person is buying boxers. weird. and they'll forget in ten seconds. but that's it.) or, if any question is asked, you say it's for your bf/friend/sick dad/dog/idk. if you want to feel good just say it's for you. binders. they're showing it, as always. idk why they insist on undressing themselves in video. "do not bind for more than eight hours" actually i believe it's closer to six hours. depends i guess. also remember to wash it regularly and take days off without it to let your ribs and all that rest. "i started buying men's clothes" bUt hAiRsTyLe An cLOtHes HaVe NO GeNdEr!!!!1!!!!² "i'm kind of small and have trouble fitting in men's clothes" a part of me wants to say "mood" but the other part wants to say,,,,, dude. it's not that hard. really. i'm barely 5'4 and don't weight more than 95lbs and i still find a lot of clothes i fit in. it really depends on the store. in one store i can only fit in the XS or S clothes, and in some the M works great. "it can be a boy's or girl's shirt, it's gender neutral- first thing! it wasn't!" see above. "because the cut is different!" yeh. i'll admit you're right. depends on what tho "clean out(up? idk didn't hear) your whole closet, replace it" what do you think i'm made of. money? no. i'm poor. i can barely afford food. it's not that easy. oh god they are talking about name. "eli" didn't sound right. ok. fair enough. kai was on their list, and gurg suggested it. that's what they say, at least. I didn't notice anything relevant past that. Oh yes just thinking. They mentioned that they used to wear a lot of make up and now they don't so a note on that: you can use make up, contouring etc to masculinize your face. It works wonders, trust me. Alright so now I have a blog to make lmfao.
Huuuh since i’m new and all that I’m gonna tag a few of the blogs i’ve been following quietly for quite a while so, @loki-against-onision, @kaiavaroe, @basement-critics, @adam-against-onision, @britain-against-onision and huuh idk who else? anyway u guys are rad
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Let's play a game
So you know how every once and a while the anti o community gets in a bit of a lull? Another calm before the storm of Greg doing something else stupid. Well. I'm bored, a masochist, and don't mind making a fool of myself as long as there's people to laugh with me. So I'm here to offer myself up as a sacrifice - with a catch. One I'll explain in a minute.
Basically, I'm gonna A) see how long I can last, and possibly B) write a ""serious"" literary analysis on the worst one and see if I can make it convincing.
(Like that one video essay on "why the alien milk scene in The Last Jedi was secretly brilliant" or whatever. That's a level of BSing I aspire to lol)
Here's the poll link, and a preview of the torture I might be subjected to:
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Now, as for the catch... well. This is where stuff gets exciting. Usually, you have to do a challenge yourself before you tag someone, send the curse to them. Not this time. You can tag your friends without doing the challenge at all! ...but they also have the option of tagging you.
If you get tagged tho, you can pass (reblog with the word 'pass'), or, choose to do something entirely different. I don't know what, like criticizing his fashion sense, drawing anti-art but with goofy rules like you can only use shades of red and mspaint, whatever.
Thia is just for fun, so if people wanna pass on it, it means that's more for the rest of us. Which might not be a good thing now I'm thinking about it lol
I'm gonna tag: @kacchan-against-onision, @basement-critics, @bluehair-against-onision, @loki-against-onision, and @bastard-against-onision
Anyway, like I said, feel free to pass or come up with something else. And hey, anyone who wants to swandive into the lava without being tagged, feel free!
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I’ve been gone from onion news for a one minute, what happened to Sarah? What’s going on? I knew they were grooming her and shit but really, what’s come up now?
I'm not 100% sure what the story is but I think it's that Sarah moved away for uni, Greg and Kai are being lil bitches about it, talking about betrayal I think? And Sarah came forward about onion being a shithead of a human being. Abusive & grooming I think? Greg is going on a rant about BPD (idk if Sarah has it but I think he thinks she does?). And that girl (Im sorry I can't remember names c well but hers starts with an A) tweeted that onion fucked Sarah so HNNNN not bueno mi amigo. Someone needs to really just make a mega post about what's happening cause I only got parts of it and I'm v sure I got v much wrong? But please someone correct me if I'm wrong and tell us what's up. I'm lost but very, very concerned
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androidethics · 5 years
Who is this person in all of Kai’s new videos, and why are they dressed exactly the same in the skateboard one?
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I fixed the images ( He's making this easy for us ) grease boi is a ’ grown ’ ass man talking to a underage girl like this ( this is literally predatored ) where's her parents? Greg IMAGINE SOME CREEP DOES THIS TO YOUR DAUGHTER ( well he treats his children like garage ) nevermind ( don't harss Savy talk her out being a fan ) Tweets this to repzion or readytoglare ( or a drama channels )
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I just watched Lainey’s newest video. This is gonna mess up my recommendations for sure. But for real, they look so uncomfortable and Greg has referenced trans issues and grooming already.
He also made this joke: “i’m going to cut myself to this video later.” Yikes!
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oriwynn · 3 years
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This entire situation is .. wack
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idea: the purge but we’re only allowed to commit crimes against onision
take notes, government
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Ah yes, this is super literally not literally Greg.
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Honorable mention: “los Vegas, California”
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what if we (both girls) kissed and held hands at the courthouse during onisions trial ... hahaha just kidding... unless
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distraughtlesbian · 5 years
onision accepted my follow request on his prime instagram despite me never giving him money a day in my life and looking like an emaciated tween can i get a ?!?!!??!??!!???! in chat
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biracial-pancake · 5 years
YouTube logic
Pedos: * time stamps children on family channels*
YouTube: Turn off commenting for all family channels!
Onision and Kai: * are child groomers and abusive people of shit* * everyone wants them off YouTube*
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